Abair Amach É!


28 Cárta –  Ráitisí Dearfacha
Ta fianaise ann go gcabhraíonn raitísí dearfacha go mór le neartú féin-mhuinín an duine má úsáidtear go leanúnach iad. Taispeáin dos na lenaí conas díriú ar an gcomhrá inmheánach agus é a athrú ag úsáid ráitisí dearfacha.
Is féidir leo an intinn a athmhúnlú agus fáil réidh le smaointe diúltacha.
Tosnaigh á n-úsáid agus fair ar conas a fhásann do chaidreamh.

Maoinithe ag an Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán

Comhordnú agus ráitisí: Orlaith Ruiséal
Maisiú agus dearadh: Dómhnal Ó Bric

28 Positive affirmation cards.

A set of kids affirmation cards that encourage positive self belief.
Affirmations are positive statements that can assist in “reprogramming” your brain.
Teaching children to pay attention to their inner monologue and then begin to change it through the use of positive affirmations,  gives them a very powerful life tool.
When read repeatedly, they can help to shift your focus and change negative thought patterns that contribute to low self esteem.

If we can help our children build this into their day-to-day life now, they will carry these skills into adulthood with them.

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Additional information

Weight 1.001 kg